The Life of Twiglet

Who is Twiglet you maybe asking yourself, who is this mythical character? What is all the fuss about? Let's start at the beginning shall we...

Introducing Twiglet

Twiglet Head

Twiglet is in early 20's, decided to drop out of his university studies. He didn't want to go in the first place, well actually thats not all true he wanted the university life-style (beer and late nights) but not the work.

Twiglets friend 'Disco' Dave convinced him to go with stories of endless parties but 6 months in he dropped out. What now he thought?

Twiglets other friend, Nigel suggested he applied for a job working with him in an office. He now gets to do what he does best, sitting on his arse all day dreaming drinking countless cups of coffee (instant coffee, not that fancy hipster stuff).

Twiglet Office

The Chapters

The Chapters in Life of Twiglet are very unique, you are never sure what he is going to conjure up. Each Chapter contains a limited collection of NFTs which will give you exclusive access and benefits.

Because Twiglet is so unpredictable, people in the office call him a 'loose canon' the chapters will be minted on different blockchains.

Why hold an NFT?

Beer for Twiglet? New shoes? Nope...

  • The 'OG' holders (first time holders) will receive Twiglet merch of their choice
  • Air Dropped the 'Twig Token' (when launched)
  • Access to the Twiglet private group hosted on OPNNFT
  • Exclusive access to the Twiglet merch store and 20% discount
  • Exclusive Access to Twiglet events
  • Access to Twiglet online games
  • Access to Metaverse projects and land

Future Stuff

Unlike some other NFT projects, you are getting more than a picture of the infamous Twiglet, you are getting access to all the benefits mentioned.

In the future we will be releasing our own 'Twig Token' and those who hold an NFT will receive air-dropped tokens. Tokenomics will be released soon.